© Robert Kusnyer

The Giuseppe Sinopoli Academy of the Staatskapelle Dresden

»It is the nature of beauty that evil 
powers have no control over it. I sincerely wish for the Staatskapelle, which did not perish with its old home, that it may thrive 
in the new Dresden for centuries to come.«

Fritz Busch on the 400th anniversary of the 
Staatskapelle Dresden in 1948

 Centuries of tradition need to be constantly revitalised, with an awareness that the »now« is always the mediator between the past and the future. Just as music itself can only be conceived and take place in time, so the art of orchestral performance is also dependent on constant listening and learning, on the passing on and nurturing of traditions. This notion was already enshrined in the orchestra’s founding charter of 1548, namely that the older generation of musicians have the obligation to pass on their skills and knowledge to younger players.

The necessity for an orchestra such as the Staatskapelle Dresden to be and to have its own school took institutional form as early as 1923 when Fritz Busch founded the »Orchestra School«, whose achievements continue to have an impact to this day.

Until today, the members of the Staatskapelle take this task seriously and are committed to training gifted young musicians. To this end, places are reserved in all instrumental groups for academicians, who enjoy two years of training and lessons with orchestra members to familiarise themselves with all facets of orchestral playing as well as with the unique traditions that shape the sound and performance culture of the Staatskapelle Dresden. One major inspiration for this task was the orchestra’s unforgettable principal conductor and eponymous patron of the Academy, Giuseppe Sinopoli, who was tireless in his efforts to the musicians of tomorrow. The fruit of this intensive work can be both seen and heard: former members of the Giuseppe Sinopoli Academy fill the ranks of the Staatskapelle as well as other leading ensembles throughout Europe, thereby maintaining this extraordinary orchestral heritage.

General information & Vacancies

Scholarship holders of the Giuseppe-Sinopoli-Academy are entitled to four hours of tuition per months by musicians in leading positions of the Staatskapelle Dresden. To acquaint with the special music tradition of the Staatskapelle, every scholarship holder has the opportunity to absolve up to 15 shifts per months in opera or ballett performances as well as in concerts. Scholarship holders receive a basic amount of 615 €, every participation in rehearsals or performances is paid separately. Applicants should not be older than 27 years and should have passed their prediploma or any comparable exam.

Application only online

(after activation)


There are currently no vacancies.

Contact for further information

Gabriela Paredes
Mitarbeiterin im Orchesterbüro

Support the Giuseppe-Sinopoli-Academy!

The Giuseppe-Sinopoli-Academy of the Staatskapelle Dresden relies on private donations and sponsorship funds and thus needs your continued support. We are looking forward to every kind of donation.

Giuseppe-Sinopoli-Akademie der Staatskapelle Dresden e.V.
Commerzbank, BLZ 850 800 00
Konto-Nr.: 04 005 442 00
IBAN: DE88 8508 0000 04 005 442 00

If you are interested in a membership of the Giuseppe-Sinopoli-Academy of the Staatskapelle Dresden, you'll find the enrollment application here.